Tourism and Hospitality Management

Arusha is the Centre of Tourist attraction……..

Get certificate, Diploma and Degree in Tourism and you will enjoy professional career from an esteemed institution and you will be hired without trouble wherever you go. Join Tourism class, While studying as a student you are a tourist”

  • Wildlife
  • Water Bodies
  • Mountains
  • Ranger

The programme aims to promote an understanding of the principles of Tourism….

Entry requirements

For Certificate Entry Requirements is as follows

For Diploma Entry Requirements is as follows………….

For Bachelor Degree Entry Requirements is as follows………….

Course structure and modules

One year is divided into two semesters
Semester I comprises with …………….
Semester II comprises with study tour, it is a practical lesson ………..


Meru Mountain

Kilamanjaro Mountain

Tarangile and Ngorongoro

How you study

Dont panic just relax and enjoy your studies

Career opportunities

Among career opportunities include the following

Teacher of Tourism class

Ministry of …
